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tree plantation paragraph online educare


Reply Delete. A dialogue between a doctor and patient. Sojib : Yes. Carbon-di-oxide is responsible for the Green House Effect. Trees bear a great impact on the climate. Some trees give us fruits. How can we observe the tree plantation program. They’re liable for maintaining ecological balance throughout the planet. Myself : Do you know the importance of tree plantation? 5. It happens in order to fulfill the basic needs of fuel and housing and thus it destroys the ecological balance. To avoid major destruction and to save the world we should grow more trees as it protects the environment from being polluted. Post Comments (6) Amal Ghosh. Trees are as much important to our life as food and water. Paragraph on Importance of Tree Plantation – 4 (250 Words) Tree plantation is an activity that we can all participate in for improving our environment. Tree Plantation. If you can write a good essay, then you can easily get better marks for an essay. 4. In this way, a country becomes a desert. Thus, trees contribute to the environment by providing oxygen, refreshing air from pollution, and preserving soil from erosion, supporting wildlife, etc. Trees are part and parcel of our environment. Thanks for the paragraph upoma. The main reason for tree plantation is to promote greenery and biodiversity. *7. It can prevent global warming by reducing the amount of carbon dioxide from the air. We should make people aware of tree plantation by using different media like television, internet , Facebook, etc. Tree plantation means planting trees more and more. Importance of tree plantation ***6. They give us food, fruits, wood, materials for making houses etc. The importance of tree plantation cannot be ignored anymore. A Paragraph about Deforestation Online Educare. (b) How do trees help us? We can take care of trees by giving water and manure timely. Paragraph on Importance of Tree Plantation. Trees are useful to man in three very important ways. They give us food, fruits, wood, materials for making houses etc. Tree plantation compensates for the loss of trees by humans. Essay come with 15 Marks on the exam. Trees take in carbon-di-oxide. (e) What will be the result of tree plantation? Trees cause rainfall and thus prevent the spread of desert. Trees are helpful to us in many ways. For a better living life, Tree Plantation is a most important. Trees benefit us a lot. Monoj Verma December 14, 2016 at 1:41 PM. A Street Hawker. The best time to plant a tree is just now . Trees are essential for our life. ***9. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Our mission is to provide a free, world-class education to anyone, anywhere. We cannot keep our existence without trees. thanks. upoma. This paragraph is written addressing the following questions. Tree plantation paragraph online educate list. My Hobby Essay IndiaCelebrating com. Our existence on earth is impossible without trees because the life saving oxygen that we breathe in is supplied by trees. Generally cutting down of trees extensively is called deforestation. In general, August, September, and October are the best months for tree plantation. If we plant more trees, they will keep the environment clean and save our world from major destruction. Tree plantation is a process of planting trees on a large scale. the significance of tree house can't be unnoticed any further. A Book Fair I Visited. Replies. Trees produce oxygen. Pahela Baishakh A token of Bengali identity. Trees produce oxygen. June and July are the best time for tree plantation. Tree Plantation Paragraph; Tree plantation means planting trees and plants at a large scale. So, we cut down many trees. Oxygen is very much essential for living beings. Global warming is the main culprit for climate change. Next Paragraph on Honesty. It provides oxygen for our breathing. We can take care of trees by giving water and manure timely. Every neighbourhood should conduct regular tree plantation activity. Myself : We can not think of our homes, houses, residence etc without trees. This timber is used in marking houses, boats, ships and furniture, etc. Generally, August, September, and October are the suitable months for tree plantation. As a result tree is now being planted and we observe the tree plantation day every year. Oxygen is properly balanced in the air. Replies. A Winter Morning. Slogan: Plant more trees to save the earth. The trees around us are extremely important and have always been necessary for improving the human condition - both during a tree’s life and after a tree’s harvest. I have also written a paragraph on Tree Plantation. Thanks for the paragraph Amal Ghosh. We cannot think of the earth without trees. plant a tree so that next generation can get air for free . (a) What is tree plantation? Apart from this, trees can be planted in other months also with proper care. It can prevent global warming by reducing the amount of carbon dioxide from the air. Tree plantation means growing more trees. Essay on the Importance of Trees in our Life. We cannot see it but we can feel it only and without it, we cannot live. Trees bear a great impact on the climate. So to say, tree plantation is very important. Trees play a significant role in ecological balance and equilibrium, and by protecting trees and growing more trees … Today I am writing an easy and common essay about "Tree Plantation" for honours 2nd year and Degree 3rd year student. We cannot see it but we can feel it only and without it, we cannot live. The more trees we will plant the better environment we will create for ourselves and the future generations. 5) Tree plantation is beneficial to you as well as to society. English 2nd paper suggestion 2019 | CLASS 9 & SSC Paragraph Tree Plantation. 10 sample one paragraph essays for kids free to read. If we plant more trees, they will keep the environment clean and save our world from major destruction. Trees produce oxygen. 9. They save the land from corrosion. We shall not get sufficient oxygen, fruits, flowers and there will be no more green ceremonies in our surroundings. Tree Plantation Paragraph: Trees are an essential part of our environment There can be no doubt about the usefulness of trees. Trees take in carbon-di-oxide. 2. They’re associated with our life in many ways. In general, August, September, and October are the best months for tree plantation. Reply. Natural calamities cannot occur unexpectedly. Environment Pollution . Trees give us oxygen and take in carbon dioxide. 3. It also holds soil together and therefore a firm ground. Attempts should be make the programme grand success so that we can live in a better world. Trees play an important role in maintaining the balance of nature. Apart from this, trees can be planted in other months also with proper care. वृक्ष पर अनुच्छेद | Paragraph on Trees in Hindi ; मेरे स्कूल का उद्यान पर अनुच्छेद | Paragraph on My School Garden in Hindi ; ग्रामीण इलाके की पैदल यात्रा पर अनुच्छेद | Paragraph on Walk Through the Rural Area in Hindi ; वृक्षार� Trees give us oxygen without that we can not live. Also, we can start tree-planting programs from our family by encouraging all the members like mother, father, and siblings. Your email address will not be published. Tree Plantation-I read this paragraph many times but, plant a tree very hardly.You also said well & its inspire me .Thanks. Reply Delete. Carbon-di-oxide is responsible for the Green House Effect. About The Author. Global Warming. Paragraph Tree Plantation | CLASS 9 & SSC English English 2nd paper suggestion 2019 | CLASS 9 & SSC Paragraph Tree... Write an e-mail to greet your friend living in the USA on the New Years Eve. Oxygen is very much essential for living beings. So, it plays an important role for make a good result. Most Important Paragraphs for SSC 2018. thanks. Jannate Akhter Anjum. 3) Tree plantation keeps the nutrition of the soil intact and helps in irrigation. 21. But we are cutting down these trees indiscriminately. When large numbers of trees … The ten best Shakespeare plays of all time, Top 10 Online Education Sites In Bangladesh, Rajuk Uttara Model College Admission Circular & Result 2021, Narration Exercise Interrogative Sentence, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W6xWrNcRzNc. Tree Plantation. We must undertake a vast project for planting trees all over the world. They give us food, fruits, wood, materials for making houses etc. Tree plantation is useful for the environment. Replies. Types of Paragraphs Time4Writing. Tree plantation refers to the program of planting trees. Email This BlogThis! Trees are useful to us in many ways. Reply Delete. Tree plantation paragraph. In this way, a country becomes a desert. We get fruits and flowers from the tree. Trees are useful to us in various ways. Thanks for this.It helps a lot … Students must be given lessons on the importance of saving and planting trees. Save Trees Essay. A Paragraph about A Street Hawker. (c) How does a country, become desert? It protects the soil from erosion and provides shade to people on the side of the road. It is going to be a threat to our existence. Paragraph writing: Tree Plantation Get link; Facebook; Twitter; Pinterest; Email; Other Apps; By Md. 8. Another kind of help they provide. 1. Thanks for the paragraph Amal Ghosh. If we do not plant trees, our environment will turn into a desert. Tree plantation is a life style not a one-time campaign . We also need to protect them by making enclosure from the attack of the animals. Tree plantation means planting trees in sizable amount following proper system. Word Meaning গুলাে জেনে নিই । mean – মনে করা; helpful – উপকারী; give- দেওয়া; প্রদান করা; wood- কাষ্ঠ; provide- যােগানাে; feel- অনুভব করা; indiscriminately- বাছবিচার না করে; desert- মরুভুমি; avoid- পরিহার করা; major- বৃহত্তর; destruction- ধ্বংস; save- রক্ষা করা; protect- রক্ষা করা; environment- পরিবেশ; polluted- দূষিত; plant- রােপণ করা।, Your email address will not be published. Through tree plantation, our environment remains balanced properly. Two friends on benifits of early rising. 4) Tree plantation also helps in containing rainwater and maintaining natural water resources. They are a great source of food and vitamin. Required fields are marked *. Paragraph On Deforestation: Deforestation means cutting down or burning a large number of trees/forests indiscriminately. We cannot think of the earth without trees. They provide us with wood and other products; they provide us shade, and they help to prevent drought and floods. For the increasing number of population, we need more schools, colleges, offices, business establishments and various sorts of furniture. Tree Plantation Paragraph: Trees are gifts of nature. Your School Library. They are our great friends. Tree Plantation means to plant trees in an exceedingly settled or unmistakable region to convey wood. A School Magazine. If we destroy trees at random, one day our country will turn into a great desert. We cannot see it but we can feel it only and without it, we cannot live. Life becomes very difficult without trees or we can say that life would be finished because trees are most important … Reply. The most important thing is that ecological balance remains fit for the … Traffic Jam. After reading this paragraph you can learn and answer the … Oxygen is very much essential for living beings. Our demand of food is met up. 7. You and a seller about buying a book. A Paragraph about Deforestation By Mahbub Murad in Academic, Class Seven, Composition, Higher Secondary, J.S.C., Paragraph; DEFORESTATION. 12. 6. Tree plantation is a very good activity. You can check mine. Tree plantation Online Educare. Furthermore, there are various reasons behind tree plantation but the most important are forestry, land reclamation, and landscaping. 4 … Class 10 – HindiEssay in Essays In Hindi Hindi Nibandh. We can observe tree planting program on different national days of the country. The present world is producing a huge amount of carbon dioxide from mills, factories, and vehicles, etc which is responsible for global warming. Save trees is a slogan used to motivate people to save trees and plant more trees in the surrounding areas by spreading the importance of trees among people as well as reduce deforestation and cut down of trees. Tree Plantation Slogans . Trees are helpful to us in many ways. School management must also conduct regular tree plantation activity and every student must be encouraged to take part in it. Write a paragraph on 'Tree Plantation '. Share: Rate: Previous Who was in India before the British. Climate change has now become the most talked topic in the world. We get timber from trees. 6) Trees play a significant role in reducing noise pollution by absorbing noise from various sources. Trees exert much influence on the climate condition of a rustic. Trees play an important role in maintaining the balance of nature. Essay on Importance of Tree Plantation. English 2nd paper suggestion 2019 | CLASS 9 & SSC Paragraph Tree Plantation. Each of these purposes of tree plantation … SSC Class 9 10 Important Paragraph Top and Best. How can we make people aware of tree plantation? Another kind of help they provide. Load Shedding. How to open a bank account. Tree plantation is basically the procedure of moving tree seedlings from their original place and planting them elsewhere for different purposes. Proper steps should be taken to make the consciousness among the people about the importance of tree plantation. For your help, I have shared the climate change paragraph with Bangla meaning. Two friends/father and sons choice of career/aim in life. Tree plantation is a process of planting trees on a large scale. ***8. As a result, the country will face a great crisis because our country depends on agriculture. Tree plantation prevents soil erosion because trees will eventually act as windbreakers therefore prevent soil erosion. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. World’s. 14. So planting trees is a must to protect the earth from this climate change. Plant a tree, green the earth, clean the air, live happily . Tree plantation means growing more trees. Paragraph on Save Trees. Plan your family but never stop planting trees . Trees take in carbon-di-oxide. So, now lets start. Consequently, the climates of the world are changing and creating different natural calamities such as storms, cyclones, drought, floods, etc. But we are cutting down these trees indiscriminately. 13. customer and sales man in a shop . Anwar Hossain - October 08, 2015 Image courtesy: khunaspix at freedigitalphotos.net : Tree plantation means planting trees more and more. Trees exert much influence upon the climatic condition of a country. Trees save our land from erosion and maintain the fertility of the soil. Two friends about load shedding. June and July are the best time for tree plantation. Speech on Importance of Trees in our Lives. World’s temperature is increasing due to this gas. Tree plantation - Paragraph Next. Tree plantation is the process of transferring of seedlings from one place to another for different purposes. The reason behind tree plantation is mostly forestry, landscaping and land reclamation. Trees give us oxygen and take in carbon dioxide. In this way, we can make tree planting successful by taking all kinds of programs for planting trees. We need wood of the tree for making wooden house and furniture. The purpose of planting trees is to save the endangered environment. 1,2,3, Plant a tree . Another kind of help they provide. thingking badhon March 9, 2017 at 8:14 PM. Mar 25. temperature is increasing due to this gas. 1,2,3,4 Plant a tree once more . They give us foods, fruits, medicines, woods, flowers, shades etc. Trees are the most important and useful elements of our environment. Share This Post. Besides, by absorbing harmful carbon-di-oxide trees are helping to keep the air fresh. Today trees are cut down by humans to build houses, roads, etc. *11. Tree Plantation means planting seedlings in an organized way. Each process of tree plantation is important and unique in its own way. Shailja Sharma. Paragraph on Trees. Share to Twitter Share to Facebook. We need oxygen for living and trees to provide us with oxygen. Fruits provide us vitamins for our health. We must undertake a vast project for planting trees all over the world. The main purpose of tree plantation is to enhance the beautify of our life. Reply. We can earn foreign exchange by exporting timber or furniture. About Importance of tree plantation. Make a suitable slogan regarding tree plantation. To avoid major destruction and to save the world we should grow more trees as it protects the environment from being polluted. Through tree domain, our condition remains balanced befittingly. 10. Fruits are a great source of fo… We should make people aware of tree plantation by using different Media. (d) Why should people grow more trees? Trees help us by giving food and shelter. Shailja is one of those who is … Nice. Tree plantation means growing more trees. Besides our garden or home sides tress are being planted by the side of the road and highways. So, the trees are our great friends. So, the trees are our great friends. Paragraph on “Rockets” complete paragraph for Class 9. Hey students, this is a short paragraph on climate change for HSC and SSC students. Trees are helpful to us in many ways. If we cut one tree, we should plant two trees. In many ways people on the climate change paragraph with Bangla meaning due to gas! Unnoticed any further procedure of moving tree seedlings from their original place and planting trees in an settled! Am writing an easy and common essay about `` tree plantation Previous Who was in India before the British management! And other products ; they provide us with oxygen as food and water not live be make the consciousness the! Wood and other products ; they provide us with oxygen are forestry, landscaping land. Role for make a good essay, then you can learn and answer …. 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