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nutrition related diseases in animals


The exponential formula (RER = 70 [body wt in kg0.75]) can be used for animals of any body weight, whereas the linear formula (RER = 30 × [body wt in kg] + 70) is restricted for use in animals that weigh >2 kg and <45 kg. They are also a source of essential fatty acids (EFA), which maintain functional integrity of cell membranes and are precursors of prostaglandins and leukotrienes. Vitamin B12 is the only water-soluble vitamin stored in the liver, and dogs may have a 2- to 5-yr depot. ANIMAL NUTRITION • ENERGY-RELATED DISORDERS: 1)- Fatty Liver Syndrome: (Accumulation of fat within the cow’s liver.) Animals with the same body weight can have 3-fold variation in daily kcal requirements, which are affected by age, neutering status, physiologic status (growth, gestation, lactation, etc), physical activity, environmental temperature, and any underlying abnormalities. The six classes of nutrients are water, protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. For example, feeding predominantly meat or even an exclusive hamburger and rice diet to dogs or cats can induce calcium deficiency and secondary hyperparathyroidism. Fiber is defined as the edible parts of plants or analogous carbohydrates that are resistant to digestion and absorption in the small intestine and have complete or partial fermentation in the large intestine. Crude fiber, which is what is listed on pet food labels, quantifies insoluble dietary fiber, which is primarily cellulose, some lignin, and a small amount of hemicellulose. Some of the deadliest diseases are caused by poor nutrition. Optimal diets for growing kittens and adult cats should contain a minimum 9% fat as dry matter (AAFCO guidelines), 4.7 g of fat per kg metabolic body wt/day for kittens, 4.7 g of fat per kg metabolic body wt/day for kittens, 2.2 g of fat per kg metabolic body wt/day for adult cats (NRC guidelines), or 22.5 g fat/1,000 kcal ME for growing kittens and adult cats (NRC guidelines). Cats produce the enzyme hexakinase, which allows them to digest and use properly processed dietary carbohydrates. Optimal diets for growing puppies should contain a minimum 8% fat as dry matter (AAFCO guidelines) or 5.9 g of fat per kg metabolic body wt/day (NRC guidelines) or 21.3 g fat/1,000 kcal ME (NRC guidelines). Consequently, it usually is seen in young, weaned, growing pigs in which there is a deficiency, an imbalance, or a failure of utilization of calcium, phosphorous or vitamin D. Rickets usually is caused by a … Focal dysplasia of pancreatic acinar tissue and marked hypoplasia of seminiferous tubules, depletion of adrenal lipid, and focal atrophy of the skin have been reported. There is an exponential and a linear formula for calculating RER. Some nutritional diseases are seen secondary to other pathologic conditions or anorexia, or both. Cats on dry food diets drink more water, but the total water intake of a cat eating canned food is twice as great.7. The modified Atwater ME values for dogs are 3.5 kcal/g for carbohydrate and protein and 8.5 kcal/g of fat. A simple method for healthy dogs and cats starts with calculating the resting energy requirement (RER). Puppies fed diets containing DHA perform better in learning experiments and are easier to train than puppies fed diets without DHA. However, dogs usually synthesize glucose from dietary carbohydrates. Dogs and cats metabolize theobromine much more slowly than people. However, it does not measure a large portion of insoluble dietary fiber, nor any of the soluble dietary fiber. Rickets and Osteoporosis. Nonetheless, cats fed diets deficient in vitamin A exhibited conjunctivitis, xerosis with keratitis and corneal vascularization, retinal degeneration, photophobia, and slowed pupillary response to light. By the time there is a pathologic fracture and the condition can be confirmed radiographically, bone demineralization is severe. Protein is required to increase and renew the nitrogenous components of the body. Fatty acids that contain more than one double bond are called polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA). Dietary fatty acid profiles are reflected in the fatty acid composition of tissues and cell membranes. Therefore, when choosing omega-3 fatty acids to treat certain medical conditions, it is best to choose marine sources. Cats have a low thirst drive; in the wild they would get most of their water from their prey. The clinical signs of lameness, pain, and decreased mobility have not been reported in small-breed dogs or more slowly growing breeds fed the higher calcium amounts. Different carbohydrate sources have varying physiologic effects. Supplementing taurine may also be helpful for dogs, but as yet few manufacturers are adding extra taurine to dog food. The maintenance energy requirement (MER) is the energy requirement of a moderately active animal in a thermoneutral environment. Although there is no dietary requirement for fiber in dogs and cats, there are health benefits of having certain fiber sources in the diet. Cats also have a dietary requirement for another unsaturated EFA, arachidonic acid. Feeding recommendations or instructions on the packaging are sometimes inflated so that the consumer will end up feeding — and purchasing — more food. A third technique sets daily water intake as 2–3 times the dietary dry matter intake. Rations >4 kcal/g should be corrected for energy density. Dyspepsia. Dietary sources of MOS include natural fibers found in yeast cells. A balanced amount of the necessary dietary minerals in relation to the energy density of the diet is important. Health problems associated with diet include: Urinary tract disease. Nutritional Nutritional diseases can be caused by specific nutrient deficiencies, excesses or imbalances, or by metabolic disturbances. In cats, steatitis results from a diet high in PUFA, particularly from marine fish oils when these are not protected with added antioxidants. Chronic dehydration associated with dry diets may also be a contributing factor in the development of kidney disease and chronic renal failure in older cats. One key factor to heart disease in dogs is their sodium (salt) intake. Except for the occasional case of lactose or sucrose intolerance, most cooked carbohydrates are well tolerated in both dogs and cats. poverty (infant death, communicable disease, nutrition deficiency), the doubling of life expectancy from 35 years before 1949 to 73 years (male 70, female74) in 2005(2) and the major causes of disease and death in Mainland China have shifted from predominantly infectious disease and diet-related deficiency diseases to obesity and other Clinical signs of magnesium deficiency in puppies are depression, lethargy, and muscle weakness. Carbohydrates can become conditionally essential when energy needs are high, such as during growth, gestation, and lactation. Well-intentioned owners occasionally cause problems by feeding dogs and cats certain human foods. The dietary requirement for protein in healthy adult dogs is satisfied when the dog’s metabolic need for amino acids and nitrogen is satisfied. Fiber is resistant to hydrolysis by mammalian digestive secretions but is not an inert traveler through the GI tract. Optimal diets for adult cats should contain ~20% ME as protein or 26% protein as dry matter (AAFCO guidelines or 40 g protein/1,000 kcal ME (NRC guidelines). The most useful measure of energy for nutritional purposes is metabolizable energy (ME), which is defined as that portion of the total energy of a diet that is retained within the body. See AAFCO Nutrient Requirements for Cats a, 2006 NRC Nutrient Requirements for Adult Cats (Maintenance) a, and 2006 NRC Nutrient Requirements for Kittens After Weaning a for dietary levels of vitamin A and other nutrients recommended by AAFCO and NRC. 1995. Formulas for daily maintenance energy requirements (kcal/day) are listed in Daily Maintenance Energy Requirements for Dogs and Cats. The precise ME values for many dog food ingredients have not been experimentally determined and are often estimated using those for other monogastric species (such as pigs) or calculated using Atwater physiologic fuel values modified for use with typical dog food ingredients. Multiple water sources encourage consumption. Change ). For example, raisins and grapes contain an unknown substance that is toxic to dogs and can cause kidney damage. If pet owners wish to feed their pets homemade diets, the diets should be prepared and cooked using recipes formulated by a veterinary nutritionist. At necropsy, small petechiae may be found in the cerebrum and midbrain. Last full review/revision Sep 2013 | Content last modified Sep 2013, © 2020 Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp., a subsidiary of Merck & Co., Inc., Kenilworth, NJ, USA). When long-chain fatty acids are consumed, they are digested and absorbed into the small-intestinal epithelial cells; however, they are not transported directly into the blood supply but rather enter the lymphatics first. The biologic value of a protein is related to the number and types of essential amino acids it contains and to its digestibility and metabolizability. Although dogs and cats can synthesize vitamin C in levels sufficient to prevent signs of deficiency, supplementation may provide additional health benefits because vitamin C functions as a free radical scavenger and an antioxidant in the body. Dietary fructooligosaccharides (FOS) and mannanoligosaccharides (MOS) also promote the survival and growth of beneficial bacteria in the GI tract. FOS are nondigestible oligosaccharides consisting of chains of fructose molecules. Here we have shown the intimate relationship between nutrition and cardiovascular disease, well understood and studied in the developed world but evolving rapidly in the developing world. Protein requirements of dogs and cats vary with age, activity level, temperament, life stage, health status, and protein quality of the diet. Only clinically relevant vitamin-related imbalances are described below. Many published recipes have been only crudely balanced by computer, if at all, using nutrient averages. Therefore, crude fiber is not an accurate measure of total dietary fiber. Dental disease. Mineral deficiency is rare in well-balanced diets. Food high in fat, such as chicken skin, can result in some dogs developing pancreatitis. Heart disease. Dietary sources of FOS include beet pulp, psyllium, and chicory. The National Research Council (NRC) also publishes nutrient profiles for dogs and cats for various life stages, most recently in 2006 (see Table: 2006 NRC Nutrient Requirements for Adult Dogs (Maintenance) a and see Table: 2006 NRC Nutrient Requirements for Kittens After Weaning a). "Erkrankungen der Zootiere. Energy metabolism and imbalances in metabolic processes can induce various diseases in animals. Fimbriae bind to specific mannose residues on intestinal cells. In cats, carbohydrates apparently are not essential in the diet when ample protein and fats supply glucogenic amino acids and glycerol. Feeding two or more smaller meals is better. Consequently, general recommendations may need to be modified within this 30% range, and body condition scoring should be regularly performed. This is particularly important in cats, which often do not drink a lot of water. ( Log Out /  Feeding liver can induce vitamin A toxicity in both dogs and cats. Chronic vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, and inflammatory bowel disease are among the most frequent illnesses treated. Merck & Co., Inc., Kenilworth, NJ, USA is a global healthcare leader working to help the world be well. Overweight pets are more prone to arthritis, heart disease, and diabetes. Complete feeds can be purchased that are formulated to meet all the nutritional requirements (energy, protein, and amino acids, fat, vitamins, macro- and micro-minerals, etc.) Raw, freshwater fish contain thiamine antagonists and can induce thiamine deficiency when fed to cats. As intake of a mineral exceeds the requirement, an excessive amount may be absorbed, or a large amount of the unabsorbed mineral may prevent intestinal absorption of other minerals in adequate amounts. Limited evidence exists for the recommendations of dietary mineral requirements for cats in 2006 NRC Nutrient Requirements for Adult Cats (Maintenance) a and 2006 NRC Nutrient Requirements for Kittens After Weaning a; many are based on the mineral content of successfully fed diets. Amy Anstis and Dave Barber . Carbohydrates in pet foods include low- and high-molecular-weight sugars, starches, and various cell wall and storage nonstarch polysaccharides or dietary fibers. They also inhibit the survival and colonization of pathogenic bacteria. Incomplete or imperfect digestion is called dyspepsia. Cats eating dry food do not drink enough water to make up for the lack of moisture in the food. EFA deficiencies are extremely rare in dogs and cats fed properly preserved complete and balanced diets formulated according to AAFCO profiles. Obesity, diabetes and even cancer can be traced back to a poor diet, so it's important to learn proper nutrition. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. For example, unlike dogs, cats require dietary sources of vitamin A, arachidonic acid, and taurine. Iodine deficiency is rare when complete and balanced diets are fed but may be seen when high-meat diets are used (dogs and cats) or when diets contain saltwater fish (cats). two species are probably subject to similar deficiency diseases. Skeletal demineralization, particularly of the pelvis and vertebral bodies, develops with calcium deficiency. The impact of various environmental temperatures is described in the recent NRC publication on nutrient requirements of dogs and cats and has been documented under certain conditions. Rickets has been reported in kittens fed diets deficient in vitamin D, even though dietary amounts of calcium and phosphorus were normal. Do Cats Replace Their Teeth Like Humans?هل القطط تبدل الأسنان مثل البشر. Signs produced by protein deficiency or an improper protein:calorie ratio may include any or all of the following: reduced growth rates in puppies and kittens, anemia, weight loss, skeletal muscle atrophy, dull unkempt hair coat, anorexia, reproductive problems, persistent unresponsive parasitism or low-grade microbial infection, impaired protection via vaccination, rapid weight loss after injury or during disease, and failure to respond properly to treatment of injury or disease. 37:215–232. Borderline deficiency is more common, especially in chronic ill health. In dogs, the optimal calcium:phosphorus ratio should be ~1.2–1.4:1; however, minimum and maximum ratios by AAFCO are 1:1 to 2.1:1. Other problems may occur from reactions to additives. 2)- Ketosis (Acetonemia): (Insufficient Energy as energy demand) Blood glucose Fat utilization and ketones formed. Which of the following factors might compromise the quality of colostrum? Clean, fresh water should be available at all times. These are often the result of an allergy or intolerance to pet food ingredients. Thiamine deficiency may cause a number of other neurologic disorders, including impairment of labyrinthine righting reactions, seen as head ventroflexion and loss of the ability to maintain equilibrium when moving or jumping; impairment of the pupillary light reflex; and dysfunction of the cerebellum, suggested by asynergia, ataxia, and dysmetria. Please confirm that you are a health care professional. Exceptions may include high-meat diets high in phosphorus and low in calcium and diets high in phytates, which inhibit absorption of trace minerals. The https:// means all transmitted data is encrypted — in other words, any information or browsing history that you provide is transmitted securely. Animals with the same body weight can have 3-fold variation in daily kcal requirements, which are affected by age, neutering status, physiologic status (growth, gestation, lactation, etc), physical activity, environmental temperature, and any underlying abnormalities. The addition of too much dietary fat relative to other nutrients may result in excessive energy intake and subsequent suboptimal intakes of protein, minerals, and vitamins. Optimal diets for growing puppies should contain a minimum of 22% protein as dry matter (AAFCO guidelines) or 45 g protein/1,000 kcal ME for puppies 4–14 wk old and 35 g protein/1,000 kcal ME for puppies >14 wk old (NRC guidelines). The proper balance of nutrients is essential when feeding your dog. Healthy adult dogs need a minimum of 2.62 g of protein of high biologic value per kg metabolic body wt (ie, BWkg0.75)/day (NRC guidelines). Anorexia is probably one of the most common presentations of an affected reptile to the clinician. "These elevated levels of sodium cause water retention in the blood vessels and elevated blood pressure. Despite our best efforts to provide our beloved animals with high-quality feed, horses are nonetheless prone to equine nutritional diseases that can adversely affect their performance and health. The legacy of this great resource continues as the Merck Veterinary Manual in the US and Canada and the MSD Manual outside of North America. Nutrition and animal health: metabolic diseases. Broccoli toxicity has been reported to occur in dairy cattle, but it is a poorly documented problem in dogs and cats. Nutritional Diseases of Farm Animals BY LOUIS L. MADSEN ^ AN UP-TO-DATE SURVEY of the whole field of nutritional deficiencies and the diseases they produce in various classes of livestock. There is no AAFCO dietary requirement for vitamin C for dogs and cats, because they are able to synthesize it in the liver. Nutritional deficiencies are usually classified under metabolic disorders. Maggot Video: The Truth Behind the Maggots Inside the Cats Paws. This assumption is supported by what scant knowledge is available con- cerning the nutritional diseases of cats. For additional information on nutrition in pet birds, see Nutrition in Birds. Fatty acids are either saturated, indicating there are no double bonds, or unsaturated, indicating there are one or more double bonds. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Fermentation is defined as the capacity of fiber breakdown by intestinal bacteria, and this definition more accurately assesses the potential benefits of fiber in the GI tract. The formulas to calculate MER take into account age and neuter status. Healthy kittens need a minimum of 9.4 g of protein of high biologic value per kg metabolic body wt/day. Puppy diets usually contain 8%–20% fat (dry-matter basis). Water deficiency can be seen as a result of poor husbandry or disease. Death in cats is related to chronic renal failure. However, any disease may be found in nearly any species. Osteomalacia rarely causes clinical signs in dogs or cats. Yet there are documented cases of animals becoming allergic to this food, too. Dogs and cats have a dietary requirement for specific EFA, including linoleic acid, an unsaturated EFA found in appreciable amounts in corn and soy oil. Energy metabolism is the process of ATP production. Onions are more toxic than garlic. Likewise, the precise ME values for many cats are not known, although it is believed that the factors used for dogs may apply. However, as infectious disease rates have dropped, the rates of noncommunicable diseases—specifically, chronic diet-related diseases—have risen, due in part to changes in lifestyle behaviors. Rations >4.5 kcal/g should be corrected for energy density. Most commercial adult dog foods typically contain 5%–15% fat (dry-matter basis). Dietary fermentable fiber also functions as a prebiotic in dogs and cats. Others are a result of contamination with bacteria, mold, drugs, or other toxins. Anorexia, Starvation. Employment, Economic Development and Innovation. Dehydration is a serious problem in many different disorders, including those of the GI, respiratory, and urinary systems. Lesions are seen in cardiac and skeletal muscles and are similar to those described in other species. Formulas for daily maintenance energy req… However, properly cooked nonfibrous carbohydrates are utilized well by both cats and dogs. Kittens with iodine deficiency show signs of hyperthyroidism in the early stages, with increased excitability, followed later by hypothyroidism and lethargy. Dietary fat consists mainly of triglyceride with varying amounts of free fatty acids and glycerol. Large animal neonates are born immunocompetent but lack antibodies. Both AAFCO and NRC list minimum nutrient requirements for dogs and cats consuming predominantly food. 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